Khatum (Evening)
The Invocation This short prayer is often said before beginning a service or ceremony. It is a way of stating our intention and calling upon the Divine to guide us. Toward the One, the Perfection of Love, Harmony, and Beauty, the Only Being, United with all the Illuminated Souls Who form the Embodiment of the ... Read more
All Creation reflects the beauty of Allah
God talks about the beauty of his creations both on land, sea, and the skies, and he talks of the similarities and bridge between humans and animals through communities. The Qur’an reminds us about how the rights of all creations need to be respected.
Prayer is considered an essential Sufi practice, emphasising the human need for expression. Recognising this need, Hazrat Inayat Khan composed morning, midday, evening, and occasional prayers that are now used by universalist Sufis all over the world.
The Prayer of Light
The Prayer of Light is an Islamic prayer of seeking spiritual light. It is a Prophetic Protection based on the prayer that the Prophet of Islam used to recite regularly in Arabic.