There is only ONE religion: the religion of Love. There is only ONE Language, the Language of the Heart. There is only ONE caste, the caste of Humanity. There is only ONE God, and He is Lord of the Universe. Image Credits: Pexels / Pixabay, Dzmitry Kananovich/ APOD Some Pray to Allah Some Pray to Jesus Some Pray to Yahweh Sikhs Pray Wahe Guru Jains Pray to Mahavira Zoroastrians Pray to Ahura Mazda Hindus Pray to Rama, Krishna, Shiva Some embody the balance of Tao And Others seek the silence of Zen Some surrender to the Buddha Some surrender to the Source-of-All-There-Is Let ... Read more On 6 August 2022, the Mayor of Hiroshima’s Peace Declaration was delivered at the Memorial Ceremony at the Hiroshima Peace Park. It came after the sounding of the peace bell at 8.15 a.m., the exact time when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city. The Declaration was followed by the release of the peace ... Read more Introduction: Near the end of the Ceremony remembering the 6th August, 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima, two grade 6 children, Barbara Alex and Yamasaki Rin, read out their Commitment to Peace. All people are seeking peace – for one reason or another. Peace in how we relate one to another, peace between adherents of religions, peace between nations, Peace on Earth. These fervent desires, wishes and aspirations rise in every heart. As Gandhi told, “Be the change you want to see in the world“. In this ... Read more
O Lord of the Universe
Some Pray
Mayor of Hiroshima’s Peace Declaration
Hiroshima Children’s Commitment to Peace
12 Interfaith Prayers for Peace